Stress Anxiety & Tension

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We treat this from a holistic perspective. By optimising spinal function, this will optimise neurological function which can have remarkable effects with Stress & Anxiety.

How this works is, our central nervous system is our brain and spinal cord, information from our CNS needs to pass through its protective case, the spinal column. Poor spinal function can effect the information that travels in the nerves that passes in the spinal column. This could then affect the gland or glands and their hormone production and therefore function. This could also effect organs, muscles, blood vessels and every sell in our body not allowing these to function at their optimum resulting in the above mention symptom – Stress & Anxiety

If you are unsure about whether or not we can help you, contact one of the clinics and a chiropractor will discuss your options with you over the phone or send us an enquiry and we will come back to you.