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Dr Rick Nadalin

Dr Rick Nadalin, Chiropractor, Bachelor of Science (anatomy, UNSW), Masters in Chiropractic (Macquarie University). Rick started in Wallsend in 1995 and Morisset in 1998. He took over Toronto Chiropractic in 2017 and has continued to provide the high standard of care the clinic is renowned for. Rick treats a wide variety of musculoskeletal conditions with expertise in sports injuries and performance. He is a member of the Chiropractic Association of Australia and is part of the Conduct and Ethics committee.
Dr Rick Nadalin 2

Dr Phillip Gregory

Dr Phillip Gregory has over three decades of experience to bring his patients expert health care. Not only has Dr Gregory been in practice for over 30 years, but he has also spent many years teaching the chiropractic profession to students. Because of his extensive experience, Dr Gregory has a great ability to locate the cause of your health concern quickly (or make the appropriate referral to another health practitioner, if outside the scope of his practice). With years of experience and a variety of chiropractic techniques and services, he provides the care you need to meet your specific needs.

Dr Mitchell Beer

Dr Jacqueline Bryden

Dr Jacqueline Bryden, ChiropractorB. App. Sc. Clinical, B.Chiro.Sc 1999 RMIT University 1999 Member CA, Chiropractic Association of Australia. Jacqueline has particular interest in Pregnancy care and working with babies and children. She has a very gentle & specific approach and includes muscle release and loves to address all lower and upper limb issues.

Jacqueline Bryden

Dr Mitchell Beer

Mitchell employs traditional chiropractic adjusting, the latest in exercise therapy and gentle cranial-sacral chiropractic as the three pillars of his treatment. He ensures that joint health and alignment, functional muscle activation and central nervous system homeostasis are in service of your health and not your limitations. Dr Beer has experience treating patients with back and neck pain, sports injuries in athletes, occupational and posture related pain, chronic injuries, joint instability, degenerative injury, strains, sprains, muscle activation imbalances and more. He will design his treatment approach based upon the patients individual needs. Dr Beer consistently reviews new research in his field and integrates this into his practice.

Dr Mitchell Beer

Dr Tanja Ingall

Dr Tanja Ingall, Chiropractor Bc, M.Chiro Macquarie University 2001.Tanja uses a variety of gentle techniques to suit each individuals age and issues

Dr Tanja Ingall

If you are unsure about whether or not we can help you, contact one of the clinics and a chiropractor will discuss your options with you over the phone or send us an enquiry and we will come back to you.